Wednesday, January 17, 2018


FoldiMate is "building a home assistant robotics machine" that will fold your laundry in a matter of minutes. FoldiMate can fold about 20-40 articles of clothing in just 2-4 minutes. It has the capability of folding clothes from child size 5 to adults XXL,however; it is incapable of folding baby clothes, socks, underwear, sheets, and hoodies. Their ad introduces the FoldiMate with piles of laundry falling on a guy on the bed, a girl playing tea party, and three people watching a big foot ball game stating "don't let folding get in your way, meet FoldiMate, it folds, so you don't have to". This product is set to ship late 2019 and is estimating its cost about $980.00. The marketing issue I see is they focus more on the inconvenience of folding laundry rather than the ability of the machine. I feel they need to focus more on WHO will benefit from this product (i.e Single parents, families, busy family activities, etc.) rather than the inconvenience of folding clothes. I learned that it is very important to identify who you want to reach. For example, I personally would benefit greatly from this product because of my household size and our busy day to day obligations (full time employee & student, husband works approx 12-14 hours a day, 2 middle school students with after school activities, and sports on the weekends), but the bachelor neighbor wouldn't necessarily have the same amount of clothes each week because he is one and I am 4, so how does this machine really benefit him?


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